Google Translate Limitations Disclaimer

The electronic translation service on the Rainbow District School Board website is provided by Google Translate, a free third-party service.

Rainbow District School Board does not guarantee the accuracy, reliability, correctness or completeness of any translated information.

Translations are generated electronically and are not verified by qualified translators in the language of choice.

The translations are intended to capture the overall intent of the original material presented in English.

Before you act on translated information, please confirm any facts that are important to you or may affect any decisions you make.

Our goal in providing this tool is to make information more accessible to families whose first language is not English.

Thank you.




Our mission is to develop a healthy, well-rounded individual who is prepared to face a challenging world, who will grow academically, socially, and contribute positively to the community. Our staff is committed to fostering the highest standards of academic excellence, responsible citizenship and personal growth within a safe, caring environment. Our school’s success is built on the foundation of a strong partnership between students, staff, parents and community. Together, we bring life to our shared vision of a quality school.

MacLeod boasts a wide variety of extra-curricular activities, excursions and school-wide events, so get ready to participate and enjoy all that your school has to offer.